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ATHENA partners met up in Vilnius for a dynamic industry-university collaboration evento on September 5-6

Esteemed partners from institutions like the @unisiegen, @hellenicmediteruniversity, @umcs_lublin, @univerza_v_mariboru, @politecnicodoporto, @universidadedevigo, @univ_orleans, @unicusano, @vilniustech, along with associated partners from came together to explore new horizons.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Adas Meškėnas, Vice-Rector for Strategic Partnership at VILNIUS TECH. Partners showcased their impressive outcomes from university-industry collaborations, and the ATHENA Industry Interface Committee, led by Peter Haring Bolivar from the University of Siegen, held a productive meeting.

The partners had the chance to tour VILNIUS TECH’s state-of-the-art facilities, including the Construction Engineering Research Center, Creativity and Innovation Center @vilniustech_linkmenufabrikasfabrikas the Institute of Aviation, and its innovative spin-off company, Astrolite. Also, visited @lightconversion, a global leader in femtosecond laser manufacturing, where they witnessed the entire laser production process.

In the afternoon, they dove into the operations of @teltonika_official, a leading electronics manufacturing services company in the Baltics and gained valuable insights into electronics production processes, and the company’s future plans, and discussed potential avenues for collaboration.

ATHENA is committed to forging meaningful connections between academia and industry, and this Vilnius event showcased the dedication to advancing collaborative innovation.