At the School of Management and Technology, we take in international students, through an opening of a special access for this purpose.
An international student is a student who does not have Portuguese nationality.
a) Nationals of a member state of the European Union.
b) Family members of Portuguese nationals or nationals of a Member State of the European Union, regardless of their nationality. Family members are:
b1) The spouse of a Union citizen;
b2) The partner with whom a Union citizen lives in a de facto union, constituted under the terms of the law, or with whom the Union citizen has a permanent relationship duly certified by the competent authority of the member state where they reside;
b3) A direct descendant who is under 21 years of age or who is a dependant of a Union citizen, as well as that of the spouse or partner within the meaning of the previous point;
b4) A direct ascendant who is a dependant of a citizen of the Union and the spouse or partner within the meaning of point (b2).
c) Those who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union but who have been legally resident in Portugal for more than two years, uninterruptedly, on 1st January of the year in which they intend to enter higher education, as well as their children who are legally resident with them (the length of residence with a residence permit for study does not count towards this deadline);
d) Those who are beneficiaries, on 1st January of the year in which they intend to enter higher education, of equal rights and duties status granted under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are national
e) Those who apply to enter higher education through the special access and entry regimes regulated by Decree-Law no. 393-A/99, of 2nd October, amended by Decree-Law no. 272/2009, of 1st October.
International students are subjected to the status regulated by Decree-Law no. 36/2014 and maintain this status until the end of the cycle of studies in which they initially enrol or to which they transfer, even if, while attending the cycle of studies, they are granted the status of equal rights and duties under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are a national. An exception is those who obtain the nationality of a member state of the European Union (EU), where the status will cease to apply in the academic year following the date of acquisition of nationality.

International students who fulfil one of the following conditions can apply for this special access:
- Holders of an academic qualification which, in the country in which it was obtained, entitles them to apply for and enter higher education;
- Holders of a Portuguese secondary school diploma or a legally equivalent qualification.
To enter the special access, you must also fulfil the following entry conditions:
- Know the language in which the course is taught at level B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Skills;
- Hold the specific academic qualification for entry to the course you are applying for;
- Fulfil the prerequisites set out in the general access and entry system, if required for access to the course to which you are applying.
Discover our list of Bachelor’s degrees. If you wish to apply for a degree, you must do so through the P. PORTO Application System via the Special Access for International Students.

The following are eligible to apply for the cycle of studies leading to a master’s degree:
a) Holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent;
b) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organised by the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
c) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of a bachelor’s degree by the Technical-Scientific Council of the school teaching the course to which the student is applying;
d) Holders of an academic, scientific, or professional curriculum that is recognised as attesting to their ability to complete this cycle of studies by the Technical-Scientific Council of the School that teaches the course to which the student is applying.
The recognition referred to in sub-paragraphs b) and d) in the previous points only has the effect of granting access to the cycle of studies leading to the master’s degree and does not confer on its holder the equivalence to the degree of graduate or recognition of that degree
a) Conditional admission of final-year undergraduate students is accepted in the 1st and 2nd phases of applications. These candidates must provide proof of completion of their degree by the last day of enrolment set for each phase of the competition. Students who do not provide proof of completion of their degree by the deadline will lose their right to a place but may apply for the next stage if it is in their interest.
b) For the previous point (a), candidates must submit their transcripts of approved curricular units, respective classifications, and current averages in the online application process to select and rank the candidate.
Discover our list of Master’s Degrees.
If you wish to apply for a Master’s programme, you must do so through the P.PORTO Application System via the Concurso de Acesso a Cursos de Mestrado > ESTG | P.PORTO.