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International Workshop “How to motivate Generation Z – new trends in motivation”

The School of Management and Technology at P.PORTO invites the community to participate in the International Workshop.

How to motivate Generation Z – new trends in motivation

Date: 04th May 2023 at 11 a.m., P13

Invited Speaker: Joanna Nieżurawska – WSB University, Poland

Joanna Nieżurawska has a Ph.D. in economics in the field of managing, a certified NGO business coach (Certificate issued in 2012 by Department of Public Benefit of Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy in Warsaw), international coach in intercultural education (certified obtained in CREFT Institution in Lisbon, 2015), expert in strategic educational international projects (certified obtained in Rome 2015), as well as a coach in teaching the youth (certified obtained in Institute Mine Vaganti on Sardinia (2015).he conducts trainings on managing, project managing, HR managing and interpersonal skills, as well as coaching. She has over 2000 hours of training in her experience, working for a variety of foundations, institutions and universities. She is an active person who enjoys working in a team. Moreover, she’s a member of an international organization – International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) based in Hong Kong.

The coordinator in Poland of the international project called YOU A.C.E! – a strategic partner under the Erasmus Plus Program – KA2. The project is being realized in partnership with Plymouth University from Great Britain, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development from Larissa (Greece), Youth Entrepreneurship Association from Vilnius (LITHUANIA) and our Italian Leader – Alessandro Gariano (2017 – 2019).

Summary of speech:

The circumstances in which we grow up and gain experience affect whom we become and how we perceive reality. The shared baggage of social experiences may affect the development of specific features in the representatives of the generation, i.e., people born in a similar period. Through the social lens, we perceive among others important historical events, changes taking place on the political scene, technological development, natural disasters, and trends dominating popular culture.

When describing generations, we had to accept the use of some kind of generalization in order to separate the specific features that characterize the groups. However, it is important to us to make it clear at the beginning of this book that we believe there are exceptions in every generation; and the features that we consider typical for a given generation are most often revealed in statistical research. Additionally, it is worth noting that in the center of the generation, statistical features are most clearly revealed, and the closer to contact with another generation, the more intergenerational features intertwine.

For each generation, we can talk about slightly different life priorities and adopting different attitudes towards professional work. Although the generational groups emphasize their individuality, none of them can exist in isolation from the rest. Therefore, the characteristics of Zs will be more readable if we first build the context and present it against older generations.

Generation Z (1995–2004), also known as: Generation C, Post-Millennials, the iGeneration, Founders, Plurals, Homeland Generation. Employers hire representatives of generation Z with little concern because their experience shows that Zs are demanding, sophisticated and unprepared for hard work. They know what they want and they often think of themselves as exceptional individuals. The fact that they are perceived as mobile people, freely using the resources of the Internet and creatively using its potential, speaks in favour of Zs. There is a noticeable fluctuation among young employees, because Zs change jobs very often. According to research – this generation has a smaller correlation between commitment and loyalty than in previous generations. Even if a Z is committed to the tasks entrusted to them, they are willing to change jobs in search of better employment conditions (no loyalty to the employer, they change jobs without sentiment).

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