Aleksandar Vasiljevic from the University of Novi Sad visits ESTG
During this week, Aleksandar from the Faculty of Economy visits our school under the ERASMUS+ mobility programme.

International Workshop “From Mass Marketing to Personalized Marketing: Integrating Relationship Marketing, Agile Manufacturing, and Supply Chain Management for Mass Customization
The School of Management and Technology at P.PORTO invites the community to participate in the International Workshop.

Mobility report by Alexandre Caldeira
Alexandre Caldeira @ Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije and Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative

ESTG invited Zeynep Gizem to lecture at an International Workshop
From the Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University in Turkey, Zeynep presents “A Description of Distributional Effect of Cost-Of-Living Crisis: A Microsimulation Analysis”.

Anna Brdulak lectures an International Workshop at ESTG
From the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland, Anna gives us an insight into “Smart and resilient cities – myth or reality”.

ESN Porto is giving a scholarship for your ERAMUS+ mobility
Until the 4th of May, you can apply for an ERASMUS scholarship through the ESN education project.