

OB1. Understand the fundamental concepts of software engineering;
OB2. Distinguish the concepts of methodology, method, technique and tool;
OB3. Know the main types of object-oriented analysis models, for the representation of software requirements;
OB4. Create some artifacts of object-oriented analysis;
OB5. Compare the processes of development according to the structured analysis and object-oriented analysis;
OB6. Know and use CASE tools (Computer Aided Software Engineering)
OB7. Know and use Software Engineering standards.


CP1. Overview of Software Engineering;
CP2. Requirements Engineering;
CP3. Concepts Based on Object Modeling;
CP4. Modeling in UML;
CP5. CASE tools (Computer Aided Software Engineering);
CP6. Standards for Software Engineering.



The general objectives of this UC are focused on the ability to communicate orally and in writing, using grammatical, discursive, sociolinguistic and strategic skills, in situations of interaction in English at level B2 + of CEFL. Students must be able to:
1. Communicate orally and in writing, in the English language, interacting with other speakers, using grammatical, discursive, sociolinguistic and strategic skills in a social, academic and professional context;
2. Know how to identify, interpret texts, oral and written, in English, with particular emphasis in the professional context;
3. Know how to produce texts, oral and written, with particular emphasis on the professional context;
4. Know and know how to apply the typical language functions of different genres and interaction situations;
5. Know and know how to use the specialized lexicon, related to the world of Management and Management Systems.


1. Analysis and interpretation of technical texts on basic level Management and Information Systems
2. Know and apply specialized terminology
3. Interpretation and production of technical text for Management and Information Systems.
4. Development and application of technical vocabulary in different interaction situations.



The general objectives of this curricular unit are:
– Acquisition of skills on general programming concepts
– Plan and develop solutions in the form of algorithms for solving different types of problems
– Know the syntax of a programming language and implement the developed algorithms.

More specifically, after concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should:
1. Have basic skills for analyzing problems and structuring algorithms to solve them
2. Know and use a software development environment and a programming language
3. Know the syntax of a programming language
4. Implement algorithms according to the imperative paradigm
5. Critically analyze a program to detect syntax, execution, and semantic errors
6. Develop programs for processing, inputting, and consulting information.


1.Introduction/Basic Concepts
a. Algorithm development
b. Programming basic concepts
2. Software development environment
a. Working environment
b. Compile
c. Debug
3. Variables and operations
a. Data types
b. Variables and constants
c. Operators
d. Arrays
4. Control structures
a. Logic and relational operators
b. Conditional control structures (if and switch)
c. Repetitive control structures
d. Menus
5. Structure of code
a. Functions
b. Methods
c. Collection API



1. Understand and explain the concepts and fundamental principles of management and information systems in organizations;
2. Systemically analyse and interpret management and organizations;
3 Distinguish key management functions, demonstrating their interdepende 4 Categorize information systems by management levels
5 Integrate the concepts of management and information systems
6 Assessing the role and value of information systems in business and management
7 Understanding the multidimensional and multifunctional profile of informat systems.


1 Basics of Business Management:
1.1. Basic concepts of management; Functions and levels; structures; Inter and External Environments; Operations Management and Strategic Management;
1.2. Production, Costs and Budgets;
1.3. Resources and Competitive Advantage;
1.4. Industrial Logistics and Supply Chain;
1.5. Market, Marketing and Sales;
1.6. Internationalization and Globalization;
1.7. From Plans to Business Models;
1.8. The Information and Business Management Systems.
2 Introduction to Information Systems
2.1 Basic concepts of IS;
2.2 Information Systems, Information Technology System and Human Activi System;
2.3 Perspectives of information systems and their interconnection (Business, System and Technology)
3 Information systems, management and organizations:
3.1 Organizations and IS: Basic functions of an IS;
3.2 The IS and organizational changes;
3.3 The evolution of IS in organizations;
3.4 Overview of the management of information systems.
4 Case Study Development.



1. To develop a broad and multifaceted vision of the problems and the reality of
the organization of work and management processes.
2. To contextualize the human resources issues in the information society and
know theories leading to good organizational and business practices.
3. To develop the softskills that allow them to articulate between the concepts of
work organization and management processes.


1. Introduction
Organizations and work: concepts, industrial, post-industrial and information
2. Organizations and Work
From classical approaches to contingency approaches and liberal models
3. New Forms of Work Organization and Management Processes
Perspectives on new forms of work organization and management processes Working groups and teams
Rotation, enlargement and enrichment of tasks. Semi-autonomous groups.
Satisfaction, motivation and happiness at work
Organizational communication
Conflicts and conflict management
4. Organization of Work. From Qualifications to Competencies
HR centrality in the knowledge economy
Changes in company structure and work organization Work, employment and flexibility
New emerging forms of employment
Industrial relations system: implications for organizations
5. Psychosocial risks and stress at work
Harassment, violence and bullying at work



OG1. Develop students’ skills in order to be able to respond to a business need such as Process Analysts, Process Automation Technicians or BPM solution programmers

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this Course, the student should be able to:
OE1. Identify the advantages and critical success factors in implementing a solution oriented to Business Process Management
OE2. Know and understand the advantages of designing business processes according to the BPMN notation
OE3. Develop process-oriented solutions based on BPMS tools
OE4. Identify and evaluate rapid development tools
OE5. Apply knowledge in the development of a practical case


CP1. What is Business Process Management?
a. How to improve and automate an organization’s processes
b. Business process analysis
c. Discussion of case studies
CP2. Business Models (a review)
a. What are business models and why they are used?
b. Types of business models
c. Methodologies for business models definitions (Business Model Canvas Value Proposition Canvas, Lean Startup Canvas)
CP23 BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation)
a. BPMN vocabulary
b. Business process design / modeling
c. BPMN best Practices and anti-patterns
d. Application in a practical case – Business support solution
i. Design the Process model
CP4. BPMS (Business Process Management Software)
a. Use of BPMS as a rapid development tool
b. Process automation with BPM
c. Use of a BPMN tool
d. Practical case application – Business support solution



1. Modeling decision problems and identify well-known problems.
2. Know and apply algorithms and specific tools for problem-solving.
3. Perform critical analysis of the performance of different algorithmic solutions.
4. Recognize the importance of using these techniques to support decision making.
5. Know areas of application of these techniques in real problems.


1. Introduction to linear programming.
2. Problem modelling.
3. Graphical solution.
4. Simplex method.
5. Problem of transportation, assignment, and network optimization.
6. Classification and complexity of problems.
7. Heuristics and metaheuristics.



O1 – Understanding the role of the logistics function and supply chain management in organizations.
O2 – Know how to interpret different inventory management policies.
O3 – Understand the importance of designing a supply chain and the trade-offs involved.
O4 – Understand the main decisions concerning warehouse management and transport planning.
O5 – Recognise the importance of information systems in supply chain management.


Chapter 1
Introduction to logistics and supply chain management: overview; new challenges and trends; strategy; decision making; key key; collaborative strategies.
Chapter 2
Production and Operations Strategy
Chapter 3
Inventory Management: overview; inventory templates; continuous review; periodic review.
Chapter 4
Warehouse management: overview; storage systems.
Chapter 5
Transport management: overview; transport mode selection; road transport of goods (action of vehicles, costs and transport).
Chapter 6
Network design: overview; cost relationships; general approach to network design; data aggregation.



G1. To define and understand the vocabulary related to quality management in general and software quality in particular;
G2. To identify and enumerate the main components of quality assurance in the scope of the software development life cycle;
G3. To design develop and implement software quality assurance (SQA) strategies;
G4. To design, develop and implement continuous quality inspection approaches to the software product and software process;


TP1 Quality Fundamentals;
TP2 The concept of process, Model and methodology;
TP3 The software development life cycle (SDLC);
TP3.1 The fundamental processes; the support processes and the organisational processes;
TP3.2 The SDLC and software quality;
TP4. Software quality management
TP4.2 Verification Process;
TP4.3 Validation Process;
TP4.4 Reviews and Inspections
TP5. SQA main components;
TP5.1 Software testing;
TP5.2 Quality control;
TP5.3 Software configuration management;
TP6. Continuous quality inspection;
TP7. Evaluation and continuous improvement of the software development process based on CMMI-SW model and ISO/IEC 15504;



1. To produce work of a scientific nature according to the scientific rules.
2. To know how to distinguish techniques of study and adequacy to the demands of the work that will have to
3. To distinguish the different levels of analysis of organizational behavior.
4. To develop appropriate behaviors to team work and organizational context.
5. To develop communication and presentation, interaction and mediation skills.
6. To critique the work of other students.
7. To develop critical and reflective sense.
8. To develop goal-setting and planning skills through coaching tools


A. Research Methodology, research process and current scientific rules.
B. Academic work, study techniques and work planning.
C. Concept and levels of analysis of organizational behavior.
D. The individual and the groups in the organizations.
E. Communication, oral presentations, oral and body expression.
F. Autoscopy, introduction to Coaching, constructive criticism.
G. Coaching Principles and Tools.



1. To understand the strategic importance of Commercial Management and Integration with Marketing
2. To know the evolution of sales, from traditional sale to advisory sale
3. To identify the key steps and actors in a sales process
4. To plan, organize and manage a sales force
5. To develop negotiation strategies and skills
6. To understand and apply assessment and control tools

1. Strategic Dimension of Commercial Management
2. The Evolution of Sales
3. Integration and Interface Sales-Marketing
4. Sales process: steps and stakeholders
5. Planning and organizing the sales force
6. Strategies of sale and negotiation
7. Sales audit: evaluation and control



1 – Understand the importance of strategic management for organizations.
2 – Understand and know how to use techniques of analysis of the environment and the company.
3 – Apply the appropriate concepts to develop and implement a strategy at corporate and business levels.


1. Introduction to Strategy
1.1 Strategy concept
1.2 Levels of strategic management
1.3 Evolution of the strategy
1.4 Strategic thinking and planning
2. Analysing Strategic Positioning
2.1 Analysis of the environment
2.2 Company analysis
3. Choice and Strategy Formulation
3.1 Strategies at the business level
3.2 Strategies at company level
3.3 Strategic development methods
4. Strategy Execution
4.1 Planning
4.2 Implementation
4.3 Control



OB1. Know and understand the process of decision making and each of its phases.
OB2. Select a group of concepts for describing real-world decision problems and be able to express them using a
modelling instrument.
OB3. Understand the basic concepts, the goals and the benefits of the analytical approach, and be able to apply optimization, simulation and modeling techniques
OB4. Know and explain the terms, concepts, methodologies and fundamental theories associated to decision support systems, as well as their application and opportunities.
OB5. To examine and describe the main components in the architecture of a DSS and how they are integrated.
OB6. To describe, analyze and evaluate the different methods and techniques used for developing DSS in
OB7. Develop a prototype of a DSS as a solution for a real problem.

CP1. The process of decision making and decision support systems
CP2. Modelling techniques for DSS
CP2.1. Segmentation
CP2.2. Regression
CP2.3. Classification
CP2.4. Association rules
CP3. Methodologies for training models
CP3.1. Experiment design
CP3.2. Defining parameters
CP3.3. Metrics for evaluation and selection of models
CP3.4. Productionalizing models
CP4. Decision support systems
CP4.1. Architecture of a DSS
CP4.2. Development of a DSS



OB1. Understand the basics of an Information System, Types and Methodologies of designing an IS
OB2. Understand the role of Information Systems (IS) in organizations and the importance of its alignment with the business strategy;

OB3. Perform a basic usage of an ERP;

OB4. Interpret, classify and explain how the IS contributes to an organization Value Creation;
OB5. Perform a sales and acquisition process interacting with ERP interacting with the main modules (Sales, Procurement, GL Accounting, Cost Accounting, Inventory Management). Recognize the various steps involved.
OB6. Perform a basic Business/Financial Management/IT alignment


1. Information systems: Organizations, Methodologies and Strategy
2. Business applications and ERP
3. Alignment of an information system to the organization and to an integrated business software package
4. Methodologies and design of an Information System
5. Methodologies to help on understanding business models, with the objective of integration with the information systems and business applications
6. Case Study with an ERP usage



General objectives
1. Understand the basic concepts of contracts law, labour law, commercial law and tax law
2. Apply the theoretical knowledge in solving concrete problems that arise in the field of business law

Specific objectives
3. Identify a contract and its elements
4. Identify the sources of labour law
5. Know the elements necessary to the formation of the employment contract and its contents
6. Identify forms of termination of employment contract
7. To characterize the individual entrepreneur
8. Identify the types of commercial companies
9. Identify the various taxes in the Portuguese tax system


Part I Contract Law
1. Concept of contract
2. Elements of contracts
3. General contractual clauses
4. Contracts in particular

Part II Labour Law
1. Labour law Sources
2. Establishment and content of the employment contract
3. Termination of employment contract

Part III Commercial Law
1. The individual entrepreneur
2. Commercial companies

Part IV Tax Law
1. General notions and classifications
2. The Portuguese tax system



1. Understand the operations function positioning within the organization, its strategic role and its contribution to the organization’s competitiveness level;
2. Critically analyze and understand the characteristics and implications of demand’ forecasting models;
3. Critically analyze and understand the stock management operations, as well as its main implications;
4. Understand the main implications of materials and transportation management;
5. Understand the implications of layouts on material handling and their effects on the organization’s productivity and waste generation;
6. Identify and understand the importance of Lean Manufacturing in reducing waste and, consequently, in increasing productivity.
7. The importance of work decomposition for resource sizing and analysis of its implications on project schedule sensitivity testing.


1. Introduction to Operations Management
2. Localization Strategies
3. Forecasting
4. Stock Management
5. Transportation Management
6. Layout’s Strategy
7. Productivity Measuring
8. Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
9. Methods for Capacity Requirements Planning
10. Lean Manufacturing
11. Project Plan



O1 – Understand the concepts of derivative and integral and know how to apply them in different situations;
O2 – Recognize and operate with matrices and determinants;
O3 – Solve systems of linear equations;
O4 – Characterize samples of different data types;
O5 – Understand the concept of probability distribution and assumptions behind known distributions;
O6 – Apply hypothesis tests to answer population questions;
O7 – Construct regression models to characterize the relationship between two or more variables.


CP1. Math analysis
1.1. Real variable real functions
1.2. Differential calculus in R
1.2.1. Application of derivatives to the study of variation of functions
1.3. Integral Calculus in R
1.3.1. Immediate and split primitives
CP2. Matrices, Determinants and Systems of Linear Equations
2.1 Matrices and matrix calculations
2.2 Determinants
2.3 Systems of linear equations
CP3. Statistic
3.1. Descriptive statistics
3.2 Random Variables and Probability Distribution
3.3. Hypothesis Testing
3.4. Simple and multiple linear regression

5.0LSIG_ NRCDTutorial


OB1. Identify the different types of computer networks;
OB2. Identify the different types of equipment used in computer networks;
OB3. Understand how computers communicate;
OB4. Configure network equipment for a given problem


CP1. Introduction to computer networks;
CP2. Data communication;
CP3. Transmission mediums;
CP4. Data transmission;
CP5. Data link;
CP6. Local Area Networks;
CP7. Wireless networks.



The general objectives of this curricular unit are:
– To know and understand the fundamental concepts associated with object-oriented programming paradigm (class, object, encapsulation, dependencies between types, interface, inheritance and polymorphism)
– Apply and extend the knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts within the development of solutions.

More specifically, after concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
1. To know the characteristics of the Java language;
2. Being able to use a development environment for Java applications;
3. Recognise and understand the semantics and syntax of the Java language;
4. Analyze and understand code that is based on the object-oriented programming paradigm.
5. Reuse, modify, and develop code using the Java language in order to respond to a given problem.


1. Introduction to the Java language
2. Data Types and Operators
3. Control Flow
4. Classes, Objects and Methods
5. Inheritance and Polymorphism
6. Exception Handling
7. Input / Output
8. Introduction to the Collections Platform



OB1. Know current database technologies;
OB2. Understand the concepts of the relational model and relational databases OB3. Query a database model using Structured Query Language (SQL); OB4. Plan, design, implement and administer a database;
OB5. Normalize a database schema;
OB6. Use of tools for database design, implementation, and administration.


C1. Introduction to Databases
C2. Methodologies for database modeling
C3. Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EER) and Relational Model CP4. Normalization theory
C5. Methodologies for the design and implementation of databases in real contexts
C6. Structured Query Language (SQL)
C7. SQL extension language for Transactions, procedures, functions, views triggers



In order to obtain approval, the student must be able to:
1. Respond to the needs of an organisation as “Project Managers”, with a special focus on Information Systems Projects, from the perspective of a software house, solution integrator or client.
2. Recognise the importance, responsibility, and challenges of the role of the project manager.
3. Understand the concepts and techniques, according to the best design practices of project management.
4. Recognise critical success factors and risks in implementing an Information System Project.
5. Know emerging trends in the management of IS projects.
6. Use tools to manage IS projects to improve project planning, organisation and control.


1. Introduction to project management
2. Project Development Cycle
3. Standardisation of Project Management
4. Traditional vs agile approach
5. Phases of the project management process
6. Quality management
7. Change management
8. Risk Management
9. Case studies



1. Explore the nature and fundamental concepts of Marketing
2. Characterize the marketing environment and its actors
3. Explore core marketing strategies
4. Discuss the importance of studying consumption behavior
5. Define and apply the marketing mix to concrete problems and situations
6. Explore the components of Marketing applied to Information Systems


1. Marketing concept and process
2. Market analysis
3. Consumption and consumer behavior
4. Strategic marketing decisions
5. Marketing mix decisions: Price, Product, Place and Promotion
6. Marketing Information



OB1. Integrate Software Development with Application Lifecycle Management (ALM);
OB2. Develop a software application using a Agile Scrum methodology;
OB3. Understand and implement a Multi-Tier architecture;
OB4: Understand and implement Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) concept;
OB5: Understand and implement Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Concept.


CP1. Agile Development Methodologies
CP2. Project Management
CP3. Web Development Fundamentals
CP4. Integrated Development Environment
CP5. User Experience Interfaces
CP6. Data Access
CP7. Reporting
CP8. Tests and Software Deployment



This curricular unit has as its main objective to provide practical experience in several topics studied in other courses, through the accomplishment of integrated development projects, tendentially multidisciplinary, presented by business partners.

Consolidation of the main topics (knowledge) already studied.


This curricular unit will work seamlessly with the remaining courses of the semester. The contents to be addressed will be those already presented in the courses of the previous and current semesters. The depth of the themes addressed may vary according to the proposed projects.



OB1. Know the methodologies, standards and good practices that ensure the quality and reproducibility of knowledge extraction processes.
OB2. Use tools to define and execute knowledge extraction processes.
OB3. Analyze an organisation and its domain and identify potential improvements through the application of knowledge extraction processes, with a special emphasis on process mining.
OB4. Be able to systematize, in a clear way, the requirements, the goals and the success criteria of a knowledge extraction process.
OB5. Conduct exploratory data analyses as a way to know the problem.
OB6. Implement data preparation processes that can expose the most relevant variables or create new variables based on domain knowledge


C1. Standards for data mining processes
C1.1. The CRISP-DM and XES standards
C1.2. Main phases and their goals
C2. Systematizing domain knowledge
C2.1. Business objectives and success criteria
C2.2. Requirement analysis
C2.3. Objectives and success criteria for data mining processes
C2.4. Definition of methodologies
C3. Exploratory data analysis
C3.1. Data acquisition
C3.2. Descriptive analysis
C3.3. Exploratory analysis
C3.4. Data quality
C4. Data preparation
C4.1. Selection
C4.2. Cleaning
CP4.3. Transformation
C4.4. Integration
C4.5. Feature Engineering



This curricular unit has an aggregating function of the knowledge obtained during the licenciatura, covering and leveraging the various skills and competences acquired by students, namely in the various areas of information systems and management.

It is expected with this curricular unit that the students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired during the training, materializing, in the work to be carried out in an entrepreneurial context with the industrial partners and / or technological developments.

At the end of this period students will have the public presentation and defense of a report where the student demonstrates its technical and practical skills.