

This curricular unit aims to provide tools for the understanding of the financial reporting made by companies in the scope of the financial accounting, exposing the preparation and interpretation methodologies. At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to:
1 – Make de bookeeping of the several patrimonial changes of the companies;
2 – Prepare and interpret the several financial statements, as well as the other financial maps obtained through financial accounting;
3 – Analyze critically the content of the companies’ financial reporting;
4 – Understand the financial reporting importance to support the decision making process made by external players.


1. Accounting fundamentals
2. Basic concepts of accounting
3. Accounting normalization
4. Net Financial Wherewithal
5. The bookkeeping of the Value Added Tax (VAT)
6. Accruals and deferrals
7. Financial statements



1- Analyze the contextual context of the company and its articulation with the
internal and external environment
2- Recognize the companies forms of organization
3- Recognize the importance of human resources
4- Evaluate planning and development strategies
5- Recognize the importance of management
6- Identify and recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility and the green economy.


1 Research
2 Management theories
3 Organizations and internal environment
4 Human resources – an initial approach
5 Organizations and the external environment
6 Strategy – an initial approach
7 Planning
8 Management in the 21st Century: Trends



After the curricular unit, the student should be able to:
1) Understand both the national and international economic systems;
2) Understand the theoretical concepts of the functioning of economies;
3) Analyze the expected effects of government policies;
4) Be able to infer the expected effects of the various economic policies;
5) Characterize the Portuguese and European economies, in particular.


1. Macroeconomic aggregates
2. National Accounting
3. The basic Keynesian model
4. Income and Expenditure: Public Sector and Foreign Trade Model
5. The Money Market: Money Supply and Demand
6. Currency, Interest and Income
7. Macroeconomic Policy
8. The labour market and aggregate demand and supply
9. Open Economy Macroeconomics



Obj.1 – To translate problem situations through real functions of real variable.
Obj.2 – To analyze a real function of real variable and draw conclusions in the context of the problem in question.
Obj.3 – To apply differential calculus to study the variation of real functions of real variable and interpret the results.
Obj.4 – To define and calculate the primitive of a real function of a real variable.
Obj.5 – To distinguish the various types of integrals and choose methods of integration appropriate to their resolution.
Obj.6 – To apply the definite integral in the calculation of areas.


Chap.1 – Algebric concepts (review of essential contents)
Chap.2 – Real Functions of Real Variable
Chap.3 – Differential Calculus in IR
Chap.4 – Differential Calculus in IR^n
Chap.5 – Integral Calculus



1. To apprehend the concept of Juridical Order as normative order and to recognize its importance for the coexistence in society.
2. To know basic concepts of Law that will allow to create the bases of essential juridical reasoning for the study of other curricular

1. Understand the meaning of law, its framework in the social order, the purposes it pursues and its means of protectorship.
2. To know the structuring lines of the Legal Order and its sources.
3. To apprehend the concept of legal norm, its classifications and consequences of its violation.
4. Know the legal methodology, namely, interpretation of the law, integration of gaps and law enforcement in time and space.
5. Identify a legally relevant situation, apprehending the concept of legal relationship and its structuring elements.
6. Solve real or hypothetical situations that arise.


1. The concept and nature of law
2. The law as a normative complex and the other normative orders
3. The Purposes of Law
4. The protection of the law
1. Branches of Law
2. Sources of Law
2.1. Classification of Law Sources
2.2. Sources Cast
2.2.1. The law
2.2.2. The Jurisprudence
2.2.3. The doctrine
2.2.4. The custom
3. The Legal Standard
3.1. Concept and structure of the rule of law
3.2. Characteristics of the legal norm
3.3. Breach of legal rules – legal sanctions
1. Application of the Law, individualization of the norm and fullness of the legal order
2. Dynamics of the law
3. Interpretation of the law
4. Integrating the gaps in the law
5. Law enforcement in time and space
1. Concept of legal relationship
2. Structuring elements of the legal relationship
2.1. Subjects
2.2. Object
2.3. Legal fact
2.4. Warranty



1. To understand the fundamental elements of financial operations and how to apply their techniques.
2. To know the financial instruments that support the decision-making process considering the applications offered by the capital market.
3. To possess a critical culture and the ability to solve problems in the economic-business context.
4. To create and integrate multidisciplinary groups/teams, in the context of economic and business cooperation at both national and international levels.

After completing the subject, the student must be able to:
– Understand and apply the techniques used in the development of financial products.
– Calculate interest and interest rates, develop capitalization and capital discount operations, identify several types of rents and loan repayment systems.
– Make operational and strategic decisions considering the proposed objectives.


1. Basic principles of financial maths
2. Capitalization regimes
– Simple interest regime
– Compound interest regime
3. Problems related with interest rates
– Annual and periodic rates
– Nominal and effective rates
– Equivalent and proportional rates
– Gross and net rates
– Current and real rates
4. Actualization (capital discount)
– Simple interest regime
– Compound interest regime
5. Rents
– Temporary rents of constant terms
– Temporary rents of variable terms (arithmetic and geometric progression)
– Perpetual rents
6. Loans
– Amortization of classic loans (French system, constant amortization system and American system)
– Amortization of bond loans
7. Index numbers



General objectives:
Provide skills for students to operate in the scope of financial management.

Specific objectives:
After concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
1 – Assess the companies’ economic and financial situation;
2 – Analyse and discuss options regarding financial structure tailoring the financing to investments;
3 – Develop and evaluate operational and strategic decisions according to companies’ objectives.


1. Introduction to financial analysis
2. Basic documents for financial analysis: annual and semi-annual financial reporting
3. Main methods and techniques for financial analysis
4. Analysis of the financial balance
5. Analysis through ratios
6. Financial analysis
7. Economic analysis
8. Risk analysis
9. Market ratios
10. Cash-flow analysis
11. Structure of a financial analysis report
12. Capital sources



General Objectives:
To demonstrate knowledge and ability to understand the economies and
business in an international context;
To discuss policies to support internationalisation
To understand the mechanisms that influence business operating on an
international scale.

Specific Objectives:
Understand the workings of international markets;
Identify the theories that explain international trade;
know in depth the mechanisms that are associated to international negotiation;
to operate at an international level both within firms and on the development of policies to support the internationalization of business.



I. Introduction
1. Globalization and the evolution of international trade
2. Supranational institutions: Objectives and functions
4.Trade blocks and international trade agreements
II. Theories of International Trade
1.Adam Smith
2. David Ricardo
3. Hecksher-Ohlin
III. International Trade Indicators
IV. The International Financial System
1. The Evolution of IMS
2. Exchange rate determination
V. Commercial Policy
1. Policies in promotion of international trade
2. Trade barriers
VI: Business internationalization strategies



1. To develop a critical culture and problem-solving skills in the field of business management;
2. To develop the ability to implement cost accounting in industrial, and service companies;
3. To identify, interpret and solve accounting problems in the context of decision-making.
4. To understand the functions of cost accounting and its relationship with financial accounting and business management;
5. To apply accounting knowledge to solve business problems;
6. To use cost accounting information as a source for analyzing business data.


I – Introduction to Management Accounting
Framework of MA
Management and Financial Accounting;
Regulatory framework
Basic concepts;
Scope, objectives and characteristics of MA

II – Costs and Results
Classification of costs
Allocation Forms;
Production costs: Materials, Work, Indirect Costs

III – MA Models
Manufacturing schemes;
Cost of production and its components;
Allocation rates;
Non-industrial costs;
Accounting entries
Monist System; Dualist System;
Costing Systems: Total, Variable, Rational and ABC; ABM; TD ABC; Backflush Costing, Target Costing, Kaizen Costing, Life-Cycle Costing;
Direct Method and Indirect Method.

IV – Production
Joint products
Common costs allocation
Zero Cost and Zero Profit; Accounting entries in Joint Production.
Waste and Defective Products
The Equivalent Units Method



General objectives:
– Select the most appropriate statistical methods for solving concrete problems;
– Processing and managing information on statistical data;
– Possess critical culture and ability to solve problems within the economic-business area.

Specific objectives:
– Understand the difference between descriptive statistics and inductive statistics, identify them and apply them in specific situations, especially the problems on economic field;
– Handle a statistical software (JASP and/or Microsoft Excel, among others);
– Analyze and interpret a sample data using a statistical software.



1. Descriptive Statistics: Introduction and Terminology; Data Organization; Graphic Representations; Descriptive Measures of Location and Dispersion; Association Measures.
2. Probabilistic Models
2.1. Probabilistic terms and concepts, random variables and probability distributions.
2.2. Discrete models: introduction; general definitions; Bernoulli distribution; Binomial distribution and Poisson distribution.
2.3. Continuous models: Normal and Exponential distribution.
3. Statistical Inference: Parametric Hypothesis Tests; Introduction, Notation and Terminology; Normal Populations and Bernoulli Populations; Association Testing; one way ANOVA.
4. Simple Linear Regression: Nature of the relation between variables; Simple Linear Regression Model. Residues analysis and assumptions verification.



1. To know the Portuguese and European economic mechanisms and policies, in order to understand which economic changes affect the business activity.
2. To summarize the key historical moments in the evolution of the Portuguese economy, with particular focus on the changes occurred in the 20th century.
3. To understand the origins and motivations responsible for the creation of the European idea, and the challenges faced by Europe in the current days.
4. To evaluate the current situation of the Portuguese economy and understand the scope of European and international policies.


1. Introduction to economics
1.1. General concepts
1.2. Trends in the Portuguese and European economy
1.3. Global imbalances and challenges in the international economy
2. Evolution of the Portuguese economy
2.1. From the 1st Republic to stabilization
2.2. From stabilization to the creation of preconditions for growth
2.3. The “golden period” of growth
2.4. From the Revolution to the introduction of Democracy and imbalances
2.5. Portugal’s accession to the EEC and the euro
3. History, institutions, and decision-making process in the European Union
3.1. Stages of European integration
3.2. European institutions and their competences
3.3. Objectives and challenges of European integration
4. European policies
4.1. Commercial policies
4.2. Social and environmental policies
4.3. Legal policies
5. International economy
5.1. Mundell-Fleming model
5.2. Fixed exchange rate regime
5.3. Flexible exchange rate regime



– Provide students, as part of their future professional activities, competencies and skills necessary to organize and implement quality and environmental in the organizations. Specific Objectives:
– Define and understand the vocabulary relating to Quality and Environment;
– Identify and outline the main legal aspects for the Environment Management;
– Identify and outline the main principles and frameworks for the quality management;
– Design, develop and implement an Environmental Management System, according to NP EN ISO 14001;
– Design, develop and implement a Quality Management System, according to NP EN ISO 9001.


1- Environmental Aspects
1.1 – Introduction to Environmental Management
1.2 -Solid waste management
1.3 – Atmospheric pollutants emission
1.4 – Water and wastewater Management
1.5 – General noise regulation
2 ¿ Management Systems
2.1 – Approach and interpretation of the NP EN ISO 14001
2.2 – Principles of Quality Management;
2.3 – Approach and interpretation of the NP EN ISO 9001
2.4 – Quality Tools
2.5 ¿ Main documentation to implement a Quality and Environmental Management System
2.6 – Integration of Quality and Environmental Management Systems



After concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
– Identify and understand the mechanisms of the main market structures;
– Analyse the manner in which the market structures interact with the situations of equilibrium in the economy;
– Understand the mechanisms of games and apply them to the business context.


1. Market Definition
2. Horizontal Concentration and Barriers to enter
3. Vertical Integration
4. Diversification
5. Perfect Competition
6. Monopoly
7. Monopolistic competition
8. Oligopoly
9. Game Theory



– Evaluate businesses decision making
– Recognize the role of production management and logistics in business performance


Chapter I Logistics
Chapter II – Logistics, economics and strategy
Chapter III- Introduction to Production Management.
Chapter IV – Production and Operations Strategy.
Chapter V – Demand forecast
Chapter VI – Project Management
Chapter VII – Optimized Production Technology (OPT) and Just in Time
Chapter VIII – Supply Management
Chapter IX – Storage Management
Chapter X Transport Management



1 – Understand the importance of strategic management for organizations.
2 – Understand and know how to use techniques of analysis of the environment and the company.
3 – Apply the appropriate concepts to develop and implement a strategy at corporate and business levels.


1. Introduction to the study of strategic management
1.1. The Nature of Strategy
1.2. Strategic management levels
1.3. Evolution of strategy and main concepts
2. The strategic management process
2.1. Different perspectives on strategy
2.2. From thinking to strategic planning
2.3. Strategy and competitiveness
3. Strategic Positioning Analysis / Strategic Diagnosis
3.1. Analysis of the environment
3.2. Analysis of the company and strategic capability
4. Basis for Strategic Choice and Strategy Formulation
4.1. Business level strategies
4.2. Corporate strategies
4.3. Strategic development
4.4. Innovation and strategic change
5. Implementation of the strategy
5.1. Planning
5.2. Implementation and Control



This curricular unit aims to provide tools for understanding the importance of ethics in professional and business activities.
At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to:
OE1 – Explain the ethics concept, relevance and aims;
OE2 – Recognize the need for an ethical position by the business players;
OE3 – Recognize the importance of ethics in accounting and explain its effects;
OE4 – Analyze case studies under the professional ethics;
OE5 – Understand the statutory rights and duties of the Portuguese Chartered Accountants;
OE6 – Understand the deontological principles and duties of the Chartered Accountants;
OE7 – Analyze and justify the responsibilities of the managers and Chartered Accountants according to Portuguese tax law.


CP1.Concept of ethics
CP2.Ethical rules
CP3.Ethical behavior
CP4.Ethical dilemmas
CP5.Ethics in the workplace
CP6.The competence of professional organizations
CP7.Codes of professional ethics
CP8.The Portuguese rules for the professional activity as a Chartered Accountant in business and public practice
CP9.The Portuguese tax law and the responsibility of the managers and Chartered Accountants



General Objectives:
The Technical English Course (Level B2 according to the CEFR) aims at providing students with the essential elements necessary to enable satisfactory use of the English language as a privileged vehicle in the business world and in particular in the area of accounting.
Specific Objectives:
– understand/produce oral/written statements in the management and accounting areas, and having in mind a business perspective;
– use in a proficient manner the main elements of the specific terminology in the field of accounting.


1. Personal and professional Introduction and presentation.
2. Oral presentation and communication
3. English in the informal context of econonomics and management;
4. English in the formal context (professional and academic) of economics and management;
5. Numbers, simple equations and mathematical symbols;
6. Accounting principles
7. Main accounting documents; Balance sheet; profit and losses; cash flows.



To succeed in this Curricular Unit (CU), at the end of the semester students must be able to:
OB1. Understand the scope of information systems in organisations
OB2. Acquire sensitivity to the organisational aspects involved in the introduction of new information systems and technologies and their impact on organisations
OB3. Analyse information systems in the context of the organisations they support, separating technological aspects from organisational and management aspects
OB4. Know the factors involved in the use and impact of information systems and determinants of their success or failure
OB5. Model business processes using BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation).


CP1. Fundamental concepts of information systems.
CP2. Information systems planning.
CP3. Information systems architecture.
CP4. Organisation and inter-organisational environment.
CP5. Information systems in organisations.



– Perform the accounting procedures of several patrimonial facts of the companies in accordance with the Portuguese accounting system (SNC);
– Interpret the accounting facts and the several financial accounting standards;
– Distinguish the several financial accounting standards;
– Interpret the generally accepted accounting principles and apply the measurement criteria to different accounting problems.


1.State – income taxes
2.Employee benefits
4.Construction Contracts
7.Accounting for Government grants
9.Financial instruments
10.Exchange rates operations
11.Provisions and contingent liabilities



General objectives:
– Understand techniques and mathematical methods.
– Use mathematical techniques and methods to solve new problem situations.
– Apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems in other disciplines of the course.

Specific objectives:
– To know and apply fundamentals of integral calculus.
– To solve problems involving differential equations with separable variables.
– To determine the interpolating polynomial of first degree for a given set of data points.
– To recognize and operate with matrices and determinants.
– To solve systems of linear equations.
– To determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.


1 – Methods of integration in IR.
1.1 Integration of rational functions.
1.2 Integration by substitution, with indication of the substitution.
2 – Topics of differential equations.
2.1 Differential equations of separable variables.
3 – Linear interpolation.
4 – Matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations.
4.1 Matrices and matrix calculus.
4.2 Determinants.
4.3 Systems of linear equations.
5 – Eigenvalues and eigen vectors of a matrix.



General Objectives:
The student should be able to:
– Know the analysis framework and the techniques that allow understanding and solving real-world problems;
– achieve a critical culture and capacity to solve problems from an economical and entrepreneurial perspective.

Specific Objectives:
– To characterise the main economical problems;
– To understand the consumer behavior and the decision making process;
– To understand the producer behaviour, analysing its production decision in two aspects: Production and costs of production.



1 Fundamentals of economics
1.1 Microeconomics in the context of economics. The definition of economics. Economics branches
1.2 Methodologies in economics: the deductive and inductive method
1.3 Normative and positive issues
1.4 Choice an scarcity
1.5 The cost-benefit analysis as decision-making supporting tool.
1.6 Economic agents
1.7 Supply and demand
1.8 Elasticity
2 The consumer behavior theory
2.1 The consumer rational choice
2.2 Budget line or opportunity set
2.3 Consumers preferences
2.4 Utility
2.5 Individual demand and the optimal choice of the consumer
2.6 The market demand
2.7 Consumer choice over time and choice under uncertainty
3 The production theory
3.1 Productive factors and products
3.2 The production function
4 Costs theory
4.1 Costs in the short run
4.2 Production allocation to two productive processes
4.3 Relationships between productivity and costs
4.4 Costs in the long run: Cost minimization.



Sensitize students to the importance of human resources in organizational contexts.
Equip students with tools for analyzing, interpreting, and acting in the management of human resources.
Providing an integrated, recent theoretical and its practical applications.
Discuss the management of people in new contexts management.

After concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
. Understand the importance of human resource management in organizational contexts.
. Apply tools in the field of human resource management.
. Apply behaviors and attitudes strategic value the his personal, professional, and academic.


– Human resource Management.
– Analysis and Description of Functions
– Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources
– Hosting and Integration
– Maintenance and Human Resource Development
– Evaluation and Performance Management
– Output Management



Provide the fundamental accounting bases of the several sectoral accounting rules: non-profit sector, public sector and financial sector.
– Distinguish the different sectoral accounting rules from the accounting rules applied to the general companies;
– Interpret in accounting the main operations of the non-profit companies, public institutions, banks and insurance companies;
– Interpret the financial statements of the non-profit companies, public institutions, banks and insurance companies.


1. Accounting for the nonprofit sector: General framework; Accounting standards for entities of the nonprofit sector; the Financial Statements; the Accounting and Financial Reporting Standard NCRF – ESNL; International Standards in the Third Sector; Study of the accounts that are particular to ESNL.
2. Accounting in the public sector: General framework; Characterization of the public sector; Current trends in public accounting public sector; The reform of public accounting in Portugal; Accounting standards for the public sector.
3. Accounting for the insurance and financial sectors: Insurance sector; General framework; Accounting standardization for the insurance sector insurance sector; Financial sector: General framework; Accounting standardization for the banking sector.



– Understand the referential analysis and techniques for understanding and solve real problems;
– Recognize the importance of operational research to solve problems in the administration of organizations.
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
– Formulate and solve linear programming problems;
– Use software to solve problems;
– Analyze the output provided by the software and propose valid conclusions to the problems;
– Apply knowledge of queues to real situations in the economic field;
– Evaluate the selected models and interpret the obtained solutions.


1. Linear programming
1.1. Introduction to linear optimization
1.2. The canonical form of linear programming problem
1.3. Primal simplex algorithm
1.4. Artificial variables
1.5. Duality in linear programming
1.6. Post-optimization analysis, sensitivity analysis and parametric analysis
2. Queues
2.1. Model of a queue – a server
2.2. Model a server with constant service time
2.3. Multiple server model



– Explore the nature and fundamental concepts of Marketing
– Characterize the marketing environment and its actors
– Evaluate strategic marketing decisions
– Discuss the importance of studying consumption behavior
– Explore core marketing strategies (SDTP approach)
– Define, explain and apply the marketing mix to concrete problems and situations


1 Marketing concept and process
2 Marketing Strategy and Environment
3 Marketing information
4 Consumption and consumer behavior
5 Market segmentation, selection of target markets and positioning
6 Marketing Mix Decisions



1 – to identify and apply techniques to help companies deciding its investments and financing;
2 – to evaluate and to select investment projects according to adequate criteria;
3 – to understand and distinguish the external context of the company;
4 – to combine operational and strategic measures according to corporate goals.


1. Strategic evaluation of investment projects;
2. Financial evaluation of investment projects;
3. Risk management;
4. Financing and cost of capital investment projects
5. Other relevant topics to investment projects.



– Accounting in accordance with the SNC standards of the multiple equity facts that occur in the companies activity.
– Know how to interpret the facts regarding to equity and the NCRF associated.


  1. EQUITY: Study of accounts and its changes. Major operations. Legal and tax aspects.
  2. DISSOLUTION, LIQUIDATION AND SHARING OF COMPANIES: Dissolution and immediate judicial dissolution; Liquidation of assets; sharing values ​​available and in kind; Accounting and legal regulations; Accounting treatment; Tax aspects.
  3. TRANSFORMATION OF COMPANIES: Methods of processing; single or combined with other processing operations of capital; Accounting and legal regulations; Accounting treatment; Tax aspects.
  4. CONSOLIDATION OF ACCOUNTS: Objectives Consolidation; Methods of consolidation; Identification of the consolidation perimeter; Operations and Consolidation Techniques; Consolidated Financial Statements; Regime for the taxation of groups of companies.
  5. MERGERS AND DEMERGERS OF COMPANIES: Concept and types; Procedure and effects; Accounting and legal regulations; Accounting treatment; Tax aspects.


General Objectives:
– Sensitize students to the importance of psychosocial analysis of the phenomena in organizations;
– Enhance knowledge of the various dimensions of organizations;
– Stress the importance of Psychosociology the analysis of emergent phenomena within organizations.

Specific Objectives:
– Identify principles and concepts of Psychosociology of Labor;
– Knowing how to apply in practice the fundamentals of Labour Psychosociology;
– Identify key psychosocial risk factors;
– Prepare plans to prevent psychosocial risks.


1. Perspective of the performance of Psychosociology of Work
2. Fundamental concepts of the Psychosociology of Work and its application.
3. Groups and work teams.
4. Satisfaction and motivation at work
5. Organizational communication
6. Conflicts and Conflict Management
7. Leadership, ethics and social responsibility
8. Psychosocial Risks



1. To identify and understand the functioning of regions and places as a fundamental unit of economic analysis
2. To understand and support the design of policies to promote regional development
3. To understand the fundamental theoretical models used to analyse regional development
4. To support the different stakeholders in regional development
5. To identify and respond to Regional Development challenges/trends


1. Introduction to Regional Development
2. Models of Regional Development
3. Theories of Regional Development
4. Regional Development Indicators and Measures
5. Drivers of Regional Development
6. Regional Development Policies and Strategies
7. Stakeholders in Regional Development
8. Challenges for Regional Development



General objectives:
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of labor law and commercial law;
2. Apply the theoretical knowledge gained in solving concrete problems in the field of business law.

Specific objectives:
1. Identify sources of labor law;
2. Characterize the employment contract;
3. Know the elements necessary for the formation of the employment contract, as well as the respective content;
4. Identify the forms of termination of employment contract;
5. Characterize and distinguish company and commercial establishment;
6. Characterize the individual entrepreneur;
7. Identify the types of commercial societies;
8. Know the procedures associated with insolvency.


Part I Individual relationship of work
1. Sources of labor law
2. Characteristics of the employment contract
3. Formation and content of the employment contract
4. Termination of employment contract
Part II Commercial Law
1. Companies and commercial establishment
2. The individual entrepreneur
3. Commercial societies
4. Insolvency



After concluding this curricular unit, the student should be able to:
a) Identify the basic principles of corporate finance.
b) Know the financial function, linking it with the value maximization principle, agency problems and corporate governance practices, encompassing the efficient market hypothesis.
c) Understand the risk-return tradeoff and the opportunity cost of capital.
d) Know the different forms of corporate financing, being aware of the various capital structure theories.
e) Recognize how dividend policy affects shareholder value.
f) Recognize the various methods of corporate valuation, knowing their rationale.


1. Introduction to corporate finance
1.1. Principles of corporate finance
1.2. Value maximisation and the corporate objective function
1.3. Agency problems and corporate governance principles
1.4. Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioural finance
2. Portfolio Management and asset pricing models
2.1. Defining risk
2.2. Risk-return trade-off and the opportunity cost of capital
2.3. Portfolio management
2.4. CAPM
2.5. Other asset pricing models
3. Long-term financing decisions
3.1. Equity and debt financing: instruments and cost
3.2. Optimal capital structure theories
4. Payout policy
4.1. Introduction to dividend policy
4.2. Effects of dividend policy on firm value
4.3. Dividends and share repurchases
4.4. Dividend policy adjustments
5. Corporate valuation
5.1. Discounted cash flow analysis
5.2. Multiples method
5.3. Other methods



1. To apply cost allocation methodology among firm departments;
2. To support management accounting implementation in secondary and tertiary sectors;
3. To understand management accounting results as a decision-making support;
4. Solve accounting problems to support decision-making;
5. To use accounting as a post-registration technique as well as a prevision system;


Chapter I: The Homogeneous Sections Method
Transformation and Production Maps
Primary Breakdown
Secondary Breakdown
Reciprocal benefits
Tertiary Allocation: Product Imputation

Chapter II: Budgetary Management
Concepts of Budget Management
The Budget: Preparation Process
Budget Cycle
Programmes and Budgets
Types of Budget
Budgetary Control

Chapter III: Costing Systems
Actual Costing System
Basic Costing System
Recording under the actual and basic costing systems
Standard Costing:
Definition, Use, Accounting
Analysing deviations
Transfer Pricing

Chapter IV: The decision-making process
The application of cost – volume – profits in planning and decision-making
decision making
The critical sales point
Sensitivity analysis in cost – volume – profits
Analysing Results and the Concept of Contribution Margin



Ob. 1 – To sensitize students to the management of innovation and technology, and their importance for the current job market;
Ob. 2 – Develop creative and innovative capacity, both in academia and business;
Ob. 3 – Connecting theoretical knowledge of Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
Ob. 4 – Encourage creativity and critical thinking of students.


S1 – Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s problems
S2 – Managing Innovation and Technology
S3 – Economics of Innovation
S4 – Entrepreneurship and Innovation vs marketing
S5 – Planning and organizing events



General Objectives:
This curricular unit is aimed at introducing students to research projects applied to business sciences. In addition, this curricular unit is also aimed at providing students with an holistic vision of the different aspects relevant to the business sciences and to materealise the knowledge gained in the previous years by conducting assisted applied research.

Specific Objectives:
– to apply the main business sciences concepts to projects of applied research;
– to understand the methodological problems involved in scientific research;
– critically discuss and comment results of applied research.

1. Research Design

2. Qualitative methods

3. Quantitative methods

4. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods.