

GO1 – To master the analysis and techniques that allow to understand and to solve real problems;
GO2 – To develop a critical culture and problem-solving capacity in the economic-business area.
SO1 – To characterize the main economic concepts;
SO2 – To understand the behavior of the consumer and his decision-making process;
SO3 – To understand the behavior of producers, analyzing his decisions of production in the two aspects: production and costs;
SO4 – Identify and understand the mechanisms of the main market structures;
SO5 – To understand the national and international economic system;
SO6 – To understand the theoretical concepts and mechanisms economies.


Part I: Introduction to Economics
1.1 Introductory Concepts: Thinking Like an Economist
1.2. The 10 Principles of Economics: Micro and Macroeconomics
Part II: Macroeconomics Topics
2.1 National Accounting
2.2 The labour market
Part III: Topics of Microeconomics
3.1 – Theory of consumer behaviour
3.2 – Production theory
3.3 – Cost theory
3.4 – Market structures



OG1: To know and discuss key concepts of management
OG2: To acknowledge the management role in companies? performance.

At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to:
OE1.understand and explain concepts and fundamental principles of management;
OE2.analyse the companies? surrounding context and its articulation with the internal environment;
OE3.acknowledge the way companies organize themselves;
OE4.evaluate planning and developing strategies;
OE5.acknowledge the importance of management in the productive process;
OE6.develop skills do find organizational and industrial solutions.


1. Organizations management.
2. Organizational theories
3. From the industrial company to the innovative company
4. Leadership
5. Corporate social responsibility
6. Manufacturing Foundations
7. The organizations and their surrounding context
8. Planning and Control



The general objectives of this curricular unit are:
– acquisition of skills on general programming concepts
– plan and develop solutions in the form of algorithms for solving different types of problems
– know the syntax of a programming language and implement the developed algorithms.

More specifically, after concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
1. Have basic skills for analyzing problems and structuring algorithms to solve them
2. Know and use a software development environment and a programming language
3. Know the syntax of a programming language
4. Implement algorithms according to the imperative paradigm
5. Critically analyze a program to detect syntax, execution, and semantic errors
6. Develop programs for processing, inputting, and consulting information.


1.Introduction/Basic Concepts
a. Algorithm development
b. Programming basic concepts
2. Software development environment
a. Working environment
b. Compile
c. Debug
3. Variables and operations
a. Data types
b. Variables and constants
c. Operators
d. Arrays
4. Control structures
a. Logic and relational operators
b. Conditional control structures (if and switch)
c. Repetitive control structures
d. Menus
5. Structure of code
a. Functions
b. Methods
c. Collection API



General objectives:
GO1 – To develop reasoning, calculation and general problem-solving skills, strengthening the students’ knowledge base;
GO2 – To apply these skills to solving problems in the field of industrial management and logistics, enabling better use and continuity in the study of related curricular units (UC);
GO3 – Criticise and explain the results obtained.
Specific objectives:
SO1 – Identify the students’ learning levels;
SO2 – To encourage students to study;
SO3 – On completion of this CU, the student should be able to:
1. Apply the concepts and solve problems of integral calculus in R and differential calculus in Rn in the context of other CUs in the course;
2. Identify and classify matrices and perform matrix operations;
3. Recognise and apply methods for solving systems of equations;
4. Make use of algebraic, matrix and vector structures applied to management;
5. Know and use free mathematical software to solve problems.


C1 – Topics of Differential Calculus in Rn
C2 – Topics of Integral Calculus in R
C3 – Matrices
C4 – Systems of linear equations
C5 – Determinants of matrices and its properties
C6 – Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
C7 – The use of mathematical software



To analyse and understand the companies# financial reporting produced in the scope of the financial accounting.
At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to:
OE1: understand the bookkeeping of the several patrimonial changes of the companies;
OE2: analyse and understand the several financial maps produced by financial accounting;
OE3: prepare and interpret the several financial statements;
OE4: analyse critically the content of the companies’ financial reporting;
OE5: understand the importance of the financial reporting to support the internal and external decision-making process.


CP1. The context and role of accounting in business
CP2. Basic concepts of accounting
CP3. Accounting standards
CP4. Specificities of financial Accounting in manufacturing companies
CP5. Financial statements and other financial maps
CP6. Financial statements interpretation



General Objectives:
To demonstrate knowledge and ability to understand the economies and business in an international context;
To discuss policies to support internationalisation
To understand the mechanisms that influence business operating on an international scale.

Specific Objectives:
Understand the workings of international markets;
Identify the theories that explain international trade;
know in depth the mechanisms that are associated to international negotiation;
to operate at an international level both within firms and on the development of policies to support the internationalization of business.


I. Introduction
1. Globalization and the evolution of international trade
2. Supranational institutions: Objectives and functions
4.Trade blocks and international trade agreements
II. Theories of International Trade
1.Adam Smith
2. David Ricardo
3. Hecksher-Ohlin
III. International Trade Indicators
IV. The International Financial System
1. The Evolution of IMS
2. Exchange rate determination
V. Commercial Policy
1. Policies in promotion of international trade
2. Trade barriers
VI: Business internationalization strategies



O1. Understand the importance of operations management.
O2. Categorize operations and processes of the supply chain.
O3. Understand what sales and operations planning is and how it coordinates manufacturing, logistics, service, and marketing plans.
O4. Build aggregate plans that employ different strategies to meet demand.
O5. Understand what yield management is.
O6. Describe and define the Material Requirements Planning (MRP).
O7. Determine production lot sizes using different techniques.
O8. Describe what Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII) is.
O9. Understand typical priority scheduling rules and the impact they have on performance measures.
O10. Recognize task allocation procedures.
O11. Recognize the main functions in shop floor control.
O12. Understand the basic concepts of the Theory of Constraints (TOC).
O13. Model processes using TOC concepts.


CP1. Introduction to Operations Management Concepts.
CP2. Sales and Operations Planning.
CP3. Material Requirements Planning (MRP).
CP4. Lotsizing Techniques and Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II).
CP5. Scheduling.
CP6. Constraint Management.



GO1 – To develop fundamental knowledge in order to be able to analyze; implement and improve processes in industrial enterprises;
GO2 – To develop practical skills through the application of knowledge acquired over the real situations course;
G03 – To manipulate mathematical models to support decision making using interdisciplinary.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES (SO): Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
SO1 – To recognize the importance of operational research in solving problems in the management of organizations;
SO2 – To perform the formulation and modeling of linear programming problems, integer and mixed integer programming;
SO3 – To recognise the appropriate methodologies for solving concrete problems;
SO4 – To solve simple problems by applying the right methods and software.


C1 – Introduction to the IO decision making approach
C2 – Algebraic Modeling Languages
C3 – Linear Programming
C4 – Integer and Mixed Integer Programming
C5 – Modeling: Assignment and transport problems, traveling salesman problem, backpack problem, vehicle routing problem, etc
C6 – Using Software



GO1 – Understand the importance of data collection, visualization, manipulation and processing in the construction of decision-support models
GO2 – Develop the ability to select the most appropriate quantitative methodologies for solving decision-making problems in the industrial context
GO3 – Know and use software in the development of decision-support models
GO4 – Develop practical skills by applying knowledge to real situations

SO1 – Identify decision support problems in industrial context that can be solved using industrial data
SO2 – Know and apply data characterization and pre-processing techniques
SO3 – Understand and apply classification and forecasting methods
SO4 – Recognize appropriate methodologies for problem solving
SO5 – Solve simple real problems by applying the right methods and software
SO6 – Critically analyze the results obtained


C1 – Big Data in Decision Making
C2 – Data characterization and pre-processing
C3 – Logistic Regression and Multinomial Logistic Regression
C4 – Clustering: k-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering
C5 – Time series analysis



General objectives
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of business and transport law
2. Apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in solving concrete problems that arise in the field of business and transport law
Specific objectives
1. Characterize and distinguish company and commercial establishment
2. Characterize the individual entrepreneur
3. Identify the types of commercial companies
4. Know the procedures associated with insolvency
5. Characterize sources within the scope of transport law
6. Know the general framework of transport contracts
7. Understand international transport law


Part I – Business Law
1. Introduction
2. Companies and commercial establishment
3. The individual entrepreneur
4. Commercial companies
5. Insolvency
Part II – Transport Law
1. Introduction
2. The sources
3. General framework for transport contracts
4. International transport law
4.1. International conventions
4.2. Community guidelines



OG1. Develop students’ skills in order to be able to respond to a business need such as Process Analysts, Process Automation Technicians or BPM solution programmers

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this Course, the student should be able to:
OE1. Identify the advantages and critical success factors in implementing a solution oriented to Business Process Management
OE2. Know and understand the advantages of designing business processes according to the BPMN notation
OE3. Develop process-oriented solutions based on BPMS tools
OE4. Identify and evaluate rapid development tools
OE5. Apply knowledge in the development of a practical case


CP1. What is Business Process Management?
a. How to improve and automate an organization’s processes
b. Business process analysis
c. Discussion of case studies
CP2. Business Models (a review)
a. What are business models and why they are used?
b. Types of business models
c. Methodologies for business models definitions (Business Model Canvas Value Proposition Canvas, Lean Startup Canvas)
CP23 BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation)
a. BPMN vocabulary
b. Business process design / modeling
c. BPMN best Practices and anti-patterns
d. Application in a practical case – Business support solution
i. Design the Process model
CP4. BPMS (Business Process Management Software)
a. Use of BPMS as a rapid development tool
b. Process automation with BPM
c. Use of a BPMN tool
d. Practical case application – Business support solution



O1 – Develop fundamental knowledge in order to be able to evaluate the decision-making of companies in different sectors.
O2 – Understand the different trade-offs involved in the design of a supply network.
O3 – Plan and implement different network designs.
O4 – Plan the distribution process.
O5 – Implement simulation models for logistic operations.
O6 – Apply knowledge of mathematical modeling, acquired in the Operational Research Units, to logistic problems.


CP1 – Network design: overview; cost relationships; general approach to network design; location models; data aggregation.
CP2 – Retail supply chain: the role of retailers; the distinction between retailer and producer supply chains; planning framework in the retail sector
CP3 – Distribution Optimization: fleet management, distribution planning and vehicle routing.
CP4 – Simulation software: types of simulation; implementation of event-driven simulation of logistics operations.



To be successful in this course, at the end of the semester students should be able to:
OB1. Understand the principles of Information Systems (IS), types and methodologies for designing and implementing an IS;
OB2. Understand how organisations use information systems and information technologies to acquire competitive advantages;
OB3. Analyse information systems in the context of the organisations they support, separating the technological aspects from the organisational and management aspects.
OB4. Know the types of technical infrastructure that support an information system.
OB5. Plan the implementation of an information system in line with the strategy and operations of a company/organisation.
OB6. Select applications in the context of Industrial and Logistics Management for the implementation of an integrated Information System.


CP1. Basic concepts of information systems: Introduction to Information Systems. Components of Information Systems. Information Life Cycle.
CP2. Information systems planning: IT strategy and planning. IT Needs Analysis. IT Implementation and Governance.
CP3. Information systems architecture: Architecture concepts. Data Models and Integration. Security and Compliance.
CP4. Organisation and organisational environment: Organisational structure. Organisational Culture and Change. Ethics and Social Responsibility.
CP5. Infrastructures and applications of information systems in organisations: IT infrastructure. Transaction Processing Systems. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management). o PowerBI. Technological trends.



Provide students with skills that enable them to:
OG1- Understand the importance of the selection, collection, manipulation and treatment of statistical data;
OG2- Develop the ability to identify the most appropriate statistical methodologies for solving concrete problems;
OG3- Develop skills in interpreting the results obtained from the application of the various methodologies;
OG4- Know and handle statistical software to apply the studied methodologies.

Upon completion of this Course, the student should be able to:
OE1- Identify different statistical methodologies, their potential and their limitations;
OE2- Solve simple real problems using the most appropriate methods;
OE3- Use statistical software to solve the adopted method;
OE4- Critically analyze the results obtained and make your presentation, in the form of a report and orally.


C1- Introduction to the fundamentals of statistics;
C2- Random variables and probability distributions;
C3- Elements of sampling theory and estimation theory;
C4- Hypothesis tests, parametric and non-parametric;
C5- Simple and multiple linear regression;
C6- Reliability of components and systems.



1. Explore the nature and fundamental concepts of Marketing
2. Characterize the marketing environment and its actors
3. Explore core marketing strategies
4. Discuss the importance of studying consumption behavior
5. Define and apply the marketing mix to concrete problems and situations
6. Explore the components of Marketing applied to Logistics


1. Marketing concept and process
2. Market analysis
3. Consumption and consumer behavior
4. Strategic marketing decisions
5. Marketing mix decisions: Price, Product, Place and Promotion
6. Marketing applied to Logistics



The objectives of this curricular unit are:
– acquisition of skills in database technologies
– plan and develop schemes for creating databases
– ask questions in Structured Query Language (SQL)

More specifically, after completing this course unit the student should be able to:
OB1. Know current database technologies;
OB2 Understand the concepts of the relational model and relational databases
OB3 Query a database model using Structured Query Language (SQL);
OB4 Plan, design, implement and administer a database;
OB5 Normalize a database schema;
OB6 Use tools for database design, implementation, and administration


CP1. Introduction to Databases
CP2. Methodologies for database modeling
CP3. Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EER) and Relational Model
CP4. Normalization theory
CP5. Methodologies for the design and implementation of databases in real contexts
CP6. Structured Query Language (SQL)
CP7. SQL extension language for Transactions, procedures, functions, views triggers



O1 – Discuss the principles associated with Lean Manufacturing and know how to apply its main tools in real contexts.
O2 – Understand the importance of productivity in improving the performance and efficiency of organizations.
O3 – Understand the importance of decomposition of work into activities for resource sizing and analysis of their implications on projects schedule.
O4 – Acquire an integrated vision of forecasting concepts and techniques.
O5 – Understand the environmental impact of transport activities in supply chains
O6 – Know the main performance indicators to evaluate supply chains activitie


CP1. Lean Manufacturing
– Introduction to lean manufacturing
– Types of waste
– Lean manufacturing tools

CP2. VSM – Value Chain Mapping
– Description
– Objectives and advantages
– Symbology used in mapping

CP3. Productivity Measurement
– Productivity definition
– Partial and Total Productivity
– Ways to increase productivity
– OEE Calculation

CP4. Project planning and control.
– Fundamentals and Principles of Project Management
– Project Programming
– Project Management Techniques
– Probabilities of Project Completion

CP5. Forecasting
– What are forecasts?
– Forecasting Approaches: Qualitative x Quantitative
– Time Series Forecasting
– Forecasting errors

CP6. Impact assessment of freight transport activities

CP7. Performance measurement in supply chains



Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

1. Assess the strategic importance of HRM in the current social, economic, political and organizational contexts;
2. Know how to relate HRM with all the different organizational areas of and realize HRM¿s importance and impact on the key strategic organizational decisions;
3. Perceive current HRM challenges and opportunities in these new and challenging organizational contexts;
4. Know how to apply and analyze recent and theoretical HRM frameworks;
5. Distinguish the main HRM practices, such as: management of infrastructure, management of contributions and change management;
6. Know how to critically equate HRM problems and its corresponding solutions, by relating practical tools with theoretical frameworks.
7. Learn to better communicate, lead and motivate individuals and teams.
8. Know Coaching and Team Coaching principles that potentiate the development of individuals within each organization.


– Human resource Management.
– Analysis and Description of Functions
– Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources
– Hosting and Integration
– Maintenance and Human Resource Development
– Evaluation and Performance Management
– Output Management



GO1 – To develop fundamental knowledge in order to be able to analyze,
implement and improve industrial processes;
GO2 – To develop practical skills through the application of knowledge acquired over course to real situations
G03 – To manipulate mathematical models to support decision-making.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
SO1 – To decompose complex problems using a systematic approach.
SO2 – To perform the formulation of problems, namely in the areas of Management and Logistics;
SO3 – To recognize the appropriate methodologies for solving problems;
SO4 – To solve simple problems by applying the correct methods and software


C1 – Mathematical modeling of logistics and management problems
C2 – Topics of Nonlinear Optimization
C3 – Heuristics and Meta-heuristics
C4 – Queues



O1 – Understand the role of the logistics function and supply chain management in organizations.
O2 – Understand the importance of correct management of the supply chain to achieve global gains.
O3 – Understand and plan different stock management policies.
O4 – Recognize the importance of warehouses and associated activities.
O5 – Identify the different steps involved in the design of a warehouse and know how to apply them.
O6 – Planning the distribution process.


CP1 – Introduction to logistics and supply chain management: overview;
new challenges and trends; strategy; decision making.
CP2 – Inventory Management: overview; inventory models; continuous review; periodic review.
CP3 – Warehouse management: overview; storage and handling systems (palletized and non-palletized); warehouse design.
CP4 – Transportation management: overview; mode selection; road transportation of goods.



OG1 – Curricular internship in an organization: training in a real work context, under tutorial guidance from a teacher and a tutor in the host organization, with the aim of applying and developing scientific, technical, and professional skills; or
OG2 – Elaboration of a project applied in the areas of industrial or logistics management, aiming at the analysis, evaluation, and proposal to solve a real problem.

Upon completion of this degree, the Student should be able to:
OE1 – Analyze, structure, formulate, and solve real problems, applying the knowledge and tools acquired throughout the course.


Application of the knowledge acquired in other courses in the context of each student’s specific project.



GO1 – Consolidate and develop the English used in the management area;
GO2 – Develop the ability to read, listen, write, and speak with the help with various management-related materials;
GO3 – Develop vocabulary, from a communicative perspective, and develop the necessary strategies to participate in an environment of international work;
GO4 – Expand knowledge related to the area of management, and needed for today’s business world.

SO1 – Identify and select relevant information from a set of functional texts used in a business context;
SO2 – Prepare and present orally, in a well-structured and
linguistically correct, information collected on a topic related to the business context, adapting the type of speech and the registration of language to the target audience;
SO3 – Demonstrate rigor in the identification and use of specific terminology within the management area.


Corresponding to level B2 according to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, this curricular unit presents the following programme:
PC1 – Personal and professional identification and presentation
PC2 – Management terminology
PC3 – Analysis and interpretation of technical management texts
PC4 – Production of technical management texts
PC5 – Communication and oral presentation