

The curricular unit is structured in order to enable the student to understand the rights and duties of citizens and organizations inherent in the protection of personal data, in the national and European framework and the implications related to the international transfer of personal data. Additionally, it is expected that the student understands the data privacy issue, through the study of techniques, methodologies and tools for the implementation of systems with privacy assurance.
a. Know and apply the legal regime of data protection protection;
b. Act in accordance with the legal framework inherent to the sub-sector where he is located;
c. Indicate solutions within the framework of interdisciplinary action with respect for the assumptions inherent to the protection of personal data
d. Identify ICTs with impact on data privacy
e. Know and use ICT facilitators of privacy and to evaluate the privacy level of a system.


1. The constitutional protection of privacy in the face of informatics
2. The protection of privacy in the Portuguese civil and penal tradition
3. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation
4. The national legislation implementing the GDPR
5. Special regimes for the protection of personal data: public administration; health data and clinical research; telecommunications and electronic communications; electronic commerce; financial sector; criminal investigation; international transfer of personal data.
6. The Data and Privacy Issue
7. Anonymity on the Internet
8. Privacy and Mobile Applications
9. Data Anonymization
10. Data Protection Impact Assessments




A – Identify digital or digitized creations which may be protected by intellectual property rights
B – Know the forms of adequate protection of these rights in the digital environment
C – Identify the technologies associated with the creation, digitisation and communication of intellectual creations in a digital environment.

a – Know the legal systems for protection of digital works.
b – Know how to adapt the legal regimes of copyright, related rights and industrial property to digital reality.
c – Know the technologies and legal instruments to prevent the violation of intellectual property in the digital marketplace.
d – Understand current and emerging issues related to the protection of intellectual property applied to new disruptive technologies
e – Understand the operation mode of computer technologies associated to the creation, representation and digital communication of works.


1. The intellectual property and the digital market.
1.1 The works protected by copyright in the digital market.
1.2 Works protected by rights related to copyright in the digital marketplace. 2.3.
1.3 The distinctive signs of commerce in the digital marketplace: trade names, trademarks, logos and domain names.
1.4 The authorship of technological creations in cyberspace
1.5. Distribution and intellectual property in the digital marketplace 2.6.
1.6 The problems of multi-territorial protection
2. Intellectual property protection of computer programs, databases and multimedia works
3. The protection of innovations in the digital market: computer-implemented inventions; digital design; and semiconductor topographies
4. Intellectual property protection mechanisms in digital environment.
5. Intellectual Property and Technology:
5.1. software
5.2. Open Source Software
5.3 Big Data
5.4. Internet of Things
5.5. Artificial Intelligence




1. Distinguish the concepts of data, information and knowledge.
2. Identify and define the theoretical foundations associated to KOSs
3. Identify structures and characteristics common to KOSs
4. Evaluate the characteristics of KOSs in order to reduce ambiguity and establish relationships between concepts in the area of law
5. Distinguish and integrate different types of KOSs, reflecting their application in the area of law
6. Develop specific vocabularies for the description of legal content structured in the form of KOSs. 7. Use mechanisms and annotation tools for knowledge identification and extraction
8. Use KOS as a fundamental tool for the law domain


1. The information life cycle.
2. Evolution, concepts and theoretical foundations in the organization of knowledge
3. Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS): elements, characteristics and functions
4. Types of KOS and its application in content organization.
5. Approaches to knowledge organization
6. Study of knowledge bases applicable or related to the area of law
7. KOS classes: term lists, metadata, classification, categorization and relationship models
8. Mechanisms and tools for data annotation
9. Knowledge representation techniques and model, including: dictionaries, lists, taxonomies, folksonomies, ontologies and semantic networks
10. Methods and techniques for the elaboration of knowledge models: Practical application in the area of law
11. Application and evaluation of knowledge organization models oriented to the area of law.




1. Identify the components of a computer system;
2. Know how information is exchanged in a secure and non-secure way between computer systems;
3. List the main cybersecurity threats in modern times;
4. Understand and apply cryptographic mechanisms;
5. Outline legal aspects associated to information security
6. Apply the legal regime of electronic acts, communications and signatures.


1. Computer concepts
2. The modern computer system – opportunities and threats
3. Notions of cybersecurity
4. National framework of cyber-security, policies and general legal framework
5. Legal regime of acts, documents and electronic signatures
6. The electronic records of the Public Administration.




Provide students with knowledge and skills in research and scientific methodology, in particular, aimed at preparing:

– master’s projects;
– scientific articles;
– master’s theses.



A. Understand the main problems associated to computer crime
B. Understand the relevance of the criminal protection of new digital legal goods
C. Know and apply the national and international legal framework of computer crime.
D. Know and apply the main techniques of digital forensic analysis
E. Understand and use digital investigation techniques
I. Identify the conducts in digital environment likely to integrate criminal offences.
II. Know the various types of computer crimes provided for in the Cybercrime Law and in disperse criminal legislation.
III. Know the procedural means of obtaining digital evidence provided for in the Portuguese legislation;
IV. Know the various means of criminal cooperation in cybercrime, international and communitarian
V. Identify means which may contain digital evidence;
VI. Collect and process digital evidence in different media.


Part I
1. Challenges and problems associated to computer crime
2. International protection of cybercrime and the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
3. EU harmonization in the fight against cybercrime
4. The Cybercrime Law, approved by Law 109/2009, of September 15.
5. The criminality in a strict sense dispersed in the portuguese penal legislation.
6. The criminal procedure and the digital evidence.
7. The international cooperation to combat computer crime.
Part II
1. Introduction to Digital Research
2. Forensic investigation to data storage media
3. Mobile devices forensics (Android)
4. Computer forensics (live)



A. Know, understand and apply the concepts, principles and legal standards of digital commerce in the EU and in Portugal, and their implications for consumers, providers and digital intermediaries.
B. Understand technical infrastructures in digital commerce.
C. Use no-code development methods”
D. Understand the functioning and applicability of new disruptive technologies in the context of digital commerce.

I. Characterize digital commerce.
II. Interpret the legal framework relating to electronic contracting.
III. Analyze the legal challenges of ?smart contracts?.
IV. Apply knowledge to concrete situations.
V. Understand how online stores work
VI. Reflect what is considered low-code and no-code
VII. Configure applications from software modules and made them available on different end devices
VIII. Knowing what a blockchain is
IX. Understand the benefits of using Smart Contracts


Part I
1. Introduction to digital commerce: concept, characteristics, modalities and regulatory evolution.
2. Electronic commerce in EU and Portuguese Law: legal framework, general principles, rights and obligations of the parties and responsibility of intermediaries.
3. Contracts concluded remotely and outside the commercial establishment.
4. Platforms and intermediaries in digital services: concept, functions and regulation (DSA, DMA).
5. Consumer and personal data protection in digital commerce.
6. Legal framework of ?smart contracts?, concluded through DLTs/Blockchain.

Part II
1. Technical Infrastructures on Digital Commerce
2. Introduction to Low-Code and No-Code Development
3. Blockchain Technologies



1) Know and understand the legal framework of work carried out using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT);
2) Identify the models of work carried through with ICT and the implications of these technologies in the employer’s and in the employee’s statutes;
3) Know the platforms and technologies for managing remote work and cooperative work.
1) Enunciate and analyse in a critical perspective the main legal problems raised by the use of ICT at work;
2) Apply the acquired knowledge in the resolution of complex issues and problems;
3) Use remote and cooperative work platforms and analyse the legality of their functionalities;
4) Apply data annotation and cataloguing techniques adequate to the work context.


Part I – LAW
1. New ways of providing work
1.1 Teleworking and remote working
1.2 The work done in digital platforms
2. Working time in the digital age and the prohibition to contact
3. Right to privacy and processing of personal data in the context of digital employment relations
4. Discrimination: 4.1.algorithms; 4.2. Reconciliation of work and family life and privacy
5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and work
6. Social protection of new ways of providing work

1. Introduction to Remote Working Technologies
2. Remote working platforms: technologies and examples
3. Cooperative work platforms: technologies and examples
4. Technologies for remote attendance and productivity control



GO1. Identify, frame and contextualize the alternative means of dispute resolution in the construction of an alternative and out-of-court justice
GO2. Know and evaluate the ODR model of the EU and its future perspectives
GO3. Analyze the regulation of AI in the EU, including the ethical issues

SO1. Identify the characteristics of the electronic means for conflict resolution, acknowledge their contribution towards a new paradigm in administering justice, as well as their socioeconomic impact
SO2. Recognize and distinguish the electronic means of conflict resolution and their respective juridic regimens
SO3. Master the electronic means of conflict resolution and, especially, the platform of conflict resolution of the EU, from a critical and evolutive perspective
SO4. Know and be able to evaluate the proposal of European regulation for Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on its ethical aspects
SO5. Know and be able to apply AI tools in the service of the legal process and professionals, with a critical sense.


I – General notions concerning extrajudicial means of conflict resolution
1. Framing and context of the phenomenon
2. Mediation, conciliation arbitration

II – Online Dispute Resolution
1. Models of ODR: private and public systems; case management and case resolution
2. European Platform for ODR
3. Electronic justice in the EU: strategic lines and plan of action
4. Automated conflict resolution: risks and opportunities

III – Artificial Intelligence and Law
1. Ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
2. Regulation of artificial intelligence (AI Act) in the EU
3. AI applied to the law

IV – Artificial Intelligence in Online Conflict Resolution
1. Negotiation and Argumentation in Multi-agent Systems
2. Game theory and optimization techniques
3. Decision Support Systems
4. Negotiation Support Systems




– Preparation of a dissertation or project work, original and specially realised for this purpose.
On completion of this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to:
– articulate transversal, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary competences and knowledge;
– write and evaluate a technical-scientific text;
– know and apply techniques for presenting technical-scientific work and results.