

General Objectives:
1. To understand organization?s benefits of a strategic focus culture;
2. To monitor the evolutionary perspectives of strategic management;
3. To know the fundamental theories of management and administration;
4. To understand the management process based on its explanatory theories;
5. To structure critical thinking about the management process associated.


Upon completion of this Course, the student should be able to:
1. To apply the appropriate concepts to develop and implement a strategy at the level of a business;
2. To apply industry analysis techniques, environmental analysis, and competition analysis;
3. To select and implement a strategy and specify barriers typically underlying these practices;
4. To link the theoretical concepts and ideas that allow long-run risks minimization;
5. Critically evaluate the fundamentals of management based on students? theory and research.


Part I: Basics of Management
1. Introduction to Strategy
2. Analysis of Strategic Positioning
3. Strategy Choice and Formulation
4. Information and Strategy
5. Strategic Management and Integrated Management Systems

Part II: Management Theories
1. Resource-based Theory
2. Theory of Transaction Costs;
3. Agency theory
4. Governance Theory
5. Knowledge-based theory



This curricular unit has as one of its main objectives to provide students with fundamental and transversal skills in financial accounting and finance. It also aims to transmit knowledge about concepts, instruments, and techniques used in financial management and in investment and financing decisions that allow a balanced management of financial resources.
Upon completion of this course unit, students should be able to:
1 – Understand and interpret financial information from a management perspective;
2 – Know the fundamental elements of the economic and financial analysis;
3 – Evaluate the financial equilibrium;
4 – Understand the relation between profitability and risk;
5 – Understand the available sources of financial information;
6 – Analyse the capital management and financial asset management policies.


1. Concept and objectives of Financial Management.
2. Analysis of financial documents and financial statements in the management perspective.
3. Performance evaluation and financial balance.
4. Financial function and financial management.
5. Profitability and risk relationship: capital structure; opportunity cost and time value.
6. Markets and Financial Assets.



1) Understand and recognize the role of logistics and supply chain management in business performance;
2) Develop decision-making capacity within the scope of the strategies to be followed within the scope of logistics operations and the supply chain.

Specific objectives:
3) Identify Logistics Operations as a factor of organizational competitiveness and its integration in the value chain;
4) Critically analyze and understand the characteristics and implications of good management of the supply chain management;
5) Critically analyze and understand the main implications for supply chain management;
6) Evaluate the different means of transport available for logistical solutions and their implications for supply chain management.
7) Know the new trends in Operations and Logistics management.


Chapter 1 – Logistics and the Supply Chain
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management
2.1 Strategic Alignment in Supply Chains
2.2 Planning in supply chain management
2.3 Management of Purchases in the supply chain.
Chapter 3. Transport Management in the Supply Chain
3.1 Inventory Management throughout the supply chain.
Chapter 4. Logistics and Distribution Concepts in Global Operations
4.1 Contracting and Relationship with Logistics Operators
4.2 Operations strategy and national and global logistics



To Know the methods, and techniques of literature research;
To Know and apply correctly rules and standards for reports/projects;
To Know techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis.


1 – Research Methodologies
2 – Qualitative Research
3 – Available resources
4 – Quantitative Research



GO1 – To use mathematical models, techniques and methods suitable for the analysis of the real situation, its interpretation and simplification
GO2 – To select and use the most appropriate methods and software to solve industrial optimization problems
GO3 – To analyze, interpret and evaluate industrial processes through simulation

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
O1 – To model industrial problems using Integer Programming (IP) and Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulations
O2 – To solve IP and MIP problems, using the appropriate techniques and tools
O3 – To know information systems and simulation technologies
O4 – To formulate and solve problems through industrial simulation


C1 – Integer Programming
– Introduction to Integer Programming
– Resolution methods (branch-and-bound, branch-and-cut, …)
– Formulation of constraints using integer and binary variables

C2 – Formulation of IP and MIP Models
– Classic Problems (Knapsack, Transportation and Assignment problems, ?)
– Logistics Problems (Vehicle Routing problem, Location problems, ?)
– Production Problems (Production planning, assembly line balancing, ?)

C3 – Industrial Simulation
– Types of Simulation models. Simulation software.
– Statistical aspects of the simulation.
– Verification and validation of simulation models.
– Modelling of systems (goods and services) with a professional simulation tool – Anylogic.
– Analysis of results and iterative process of generating alternative scenarios



OG1 – To acquire knowledge of decision support optimization models in organizations
OG2 – To contribute to the promotion of research in the field of optimization
OG3 – To select and use the most appropriate methods and software to solve industrial optimization problems

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this Course, the student should be able to:
O1 – Model problems using linear and non-linear optimization formulations
O2 – Know linear and non-linear optimization methodologies and techniques
O3 – Solve optimization problems
O4 – Use the appropriate software to solve optimization problems
O5 – Validate the models and interpret the solutions obtained in order to develop recommendations for the system under analysis.


C1 – Optimization problems
General form of optimization problems
Modeling and classification of problems
Unconstrained and constrained problems,
Solver for each type of optimization problems: linear vs. non-linear, deterministic vs stochastic
C2 – Non-linear optimization problem solving methods
Quadratic problems,
Derivative-free optimization,
Multiobjective problems;
Use of software to solve industrial problems
C3 – Linear optimization problem solving methods:
Primal simplex (sensibility analisys)
Artificial Variables, Big M, Revised simplex and Dual simplex methods
Modeling of industrial problems using modeling languages
Solvings optimization problems using solvers available online at the NEOS Optimization Server platform and local resolution on the PC with data import and results writing in files




1. Examine and criticize themes present in the current theoretical and empirical debate on the management of organizations
2. Assess / criticize the role of management in organizations
3. Develop and support a management research program suggesting feasible research avenues

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this Course, the student should be able to:
1. Prepare, present, and discuss a dissertation/project proposal on a relevant topic in management.
2. Develop an article of a scientific nature applied in the area of management


1. Management in Organizations
2. Management in the corporate, public and non-profit sector
3. Current Management Topics
4. Support Theories for Management Research



Provide students with skills to:
OG1- Acquiring habits of critical reflection and developing research skills, synthesis, structuring and presentation of information from data processing;
OG2- Perspect statistics as a tool for decision making;
OG3- Handle statistical software.
Upon completion of this course unit, the student should be able to:
SO1- Recognize and identify the different statistical methodologies, their potentialities and limitations;
SO2- Acquire knowledge of probabilistic nature;
SO3- Correctly identify a probabilistic model and apply it in practical cases;
SO4- Know how to use inferential statistics in concrete problems;
OE5- Identify, define and apply the most appropriate parametric and nonparametric hypothesis test;
SO6- Use free software for problem solving, analysis and interpretation involving data analysis.


C1- Introduction to the foundations of statistics: Descriptive statistics; data pre-processing; outliers detection; Detection of relevant information and leverage values; variables association.
C2- Elements of sampling theory: Data collection technique; Definition of samples;
C3- Main theoretical distributions of random variables: discrete theoretical distributions; continuous theoretical distribution; data fit models
C4- Statistical inference: Hypothesis tests, parametric and nonparametric;
C5- Use of free statistical software and de Free visualization tools.



1. Mastering the basic concepts and techniques of economic and financial evaluation of investment projects.
2. Measure the profitability and risk of investments, and identify and integra the analysis of the specific risk of investments.
3. Decide on the best medium and long-term financing options, alerting to the potential inadequacy of financing short-term investments.
4. Build and develop adequate financial planning.

5. Understand investment typologies and investment decisions within the ov business planning.
6. Knowing about the different models of evaluation, making use of the critic capacities in relation to their forms of casuistic applicability.
7. Integrate risk analysis methodologies in the design of investment projects
8. Analyze the relative advantages between different financing options for ow funds and others, with different maturities.
9. Determine the cost of capital of a company: Cost of debt; Cost of equity.


1. Evaluation of investments (AI)
1.1 Generic concepts
1.2 The time value of money
1.3 Maximizing the value and cost of capital opportunity
1.4 Typology of investment projects (IP)
1.5 Phases of development of an IP
1.6 Determinants of an IP and previous studies
2. Cash flow (CF)
2.1 Concepts of CF and its calculation
2.2 Incremental CF and relevant FC
3. Criteria for evaluation and selection of investments
3.1 Problems of the replacement rate and the cost of capital
3.2 Net present value (NPV) and adjusted NPV
3.3 Internal rate of return (IRR) and modified IRR
3.4 Other criteria
3.5 Problems of AI
4. Risk and Uncertainty in the Investment Decision
4.1 Sensitivity and scenario analysis
4.2 Monte Carlo Simulation
4.3 AI and the theory of real options
5. Financing the IP
5.1 Shareholders’ equity
5.2 Foreign capital
5.3 Cost of long-term financing
5.4 Long-term financial planning
5.5 Short-term financing



1. identify and understand the evolution of the concept of corporate governance.
2. Identify and understand the evolution of the concept of social responsibility in sustainability companies.

1. Understand the concepts, models, and theories associated with corporate governance
2. Apply appropriate concepts to develop network governance
3. Understand the basic concepts associated with social responsibility in organizations and sustainability
4. Identify corporate assessment and accountability


Part I – Corporate Governance
– Corporate Governance: Structure, Models and Basic Theories;
– Internal and External Mechanisms of Corporate Governance;
– The new challenges and trends of corporate governance
Part II – Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability;
– Sustainable Development;
– Interconnection between the Public Sector, the Private Sector and the third Sector;
– Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);
– CSR management tools.



O1 – To distinguish tools to support scientific research in different problematic situations;
O2 – To know and to apply multivariate data analysis methods to support decision making;
O3 – To select, from a variety of statistical methods, those that best apply to specific situations;
O4 – To interpret the results obtained from the application of the statistical methods.


C1. Factor Analisys – Principal components Analysis
C2. Discriminant analisys
C3. Cluster analisys: hierarquical and non hierarquical methods
C4. Logistic and multinomial regression
C5. Neural networks



– Understand forecasting models with a temporal component to support decision making;
– Identify and apply the most appropriate methods to solve practical problems;
– Understand behavioural theories in uncertain environments and strategic interaction by rational economic agents;
– Apply the main concepts of Game Theory to Business Strategy;

After completing this course, the student should be able to:
– Estimate longitudinal or temporal forecasting models, which include variables supported by the literature;
– Interpret results and compare them with other approaches, indicating lines of action that will be more favorable;
– Understand the notion of strategic behavior;
– Distinguish different types of equilibrium and determine the equilibrium solution in static and dynamic games;


C1 – Longitudinal Models
– Fixed-Effects Model
– Random Effects Model
C2 – Time Series
– Linear Time Series Analysis
– Multivariate Time Series Analysis
C3 – Game Theory
– Introduction
– Static games with complete information
– Dynamic games
C4 – Survival Models
– Reliability and failure prediction of an equipment



This curricular unit aims to:
Ob 1: To provide students with the knowledge about the processes associated to business cooperation, namely in terms of internationalization and innovation;
Ob 2: To analyze in depth the mechanisms associated with training and participation in business networks, both in terms of internationalization and in relation to innovation processes;
Ob 3: Address and discuss theories, models and practices related to networks and innovation;
Ob 4: Critically analyze the scientific literature on networks, innovation and entrepreneurship and identify research sub-areas.


S1. Business Networks: concepts, advantages and mechanisms
S2. Innovation: sources, obstacles and barriers
S3. Theories and Concepts
S4. Business cooperation
S5. Business cooperation supporting innovation
S6. Business cooperation for international entry



1. Apply multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge acquired throughout the formative process;
2. Prepare a technical/scientific text;
3. Develop a thesis / advanced project with a view to obtaining the Master’s degree.