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Susana Escanciano, from the University of León, participated in an Erasmus+ mobility programme in the Department of Legal Practice

Susana Escanciano, Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the University of León, spent a week on training mobility with Maria João Machado and Susana Machado.

The main aim of the mobility was to learn and share experiences about teaching on the Master’s programme in Digital Legal Practice, as well as the good practices developed in teaching. Proactive teaching techniques were also analysed in order to introduce advanced pedagogical innovation systems.

In addition to the advanced methodologies applied to labour law subjects, it has been possible to establish a system of equivalences, which will allow both ESTG and ULEON students to undertake study mobility at the master’s level.

It was also possible to promote contacts for the development of doctoral theses under the modality of industrial and international co-supervision. Allowing ESTG lecturers to participate as experts in international thesis boards associated with the ‘Law. Legal Protection and Social Cohesion’, as well as ensuring that ESTG is able to receive doctoral students from this programme.

We are very grateful for your visit and hope that this co-operation will continue to be fruitful.