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Danijela Kocuvan from the International School for Social and Business Studies visited ESTG

From the 29th of April till the 3rd of May, Danijela visited our school under the ERASMUS+ mobility programme.

During this mobility experience our colleague was able to meet with Alexandra Braga the director of the Business Sciences degree and Marisa Ferreira, Head of the International Office & Vice-Director of Research Centre (CIICESI) , to speak about the supportive business environment, forms of guidance for students in developing a business idea and thematic training content for teachers in current areas of business and professional courses.

Danijela also visited the factory of “pão de ló” and the Museum of Felgueiras, two of the most important places for local tourism.

She was also welcomed by some of our staff to exchange ideas and experiences and meet with entrepreneurship and business simulation teachers Amélia Carvalho, Telma Mendes, and Tiago Cunha. 

It was a pleasure welcoming you to our school!