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International Workshop “Leadership in VUCA(H) world”

The School of Management and Technology at P.PORTO invites the community to participate in the International Workshop.

Date: 16th May 2024, from 11.30 am to 01.00 pm, Auditorium Prof. Doutor Luís Soares

This workshop will explore leadership in today’s rapidly evolving environment defined by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, and Hyperconnectivity. Will look into the internal and external challenges leaders face as they empower their teams, foster innovation, and adapt to change. By experimenting with different approaches, will observe how people think, tackle tasks, and identify strategies to overcome self-imposed limitations. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and build a resilient mindset.

Invited Speaker: Danguolė Kraskauskienė – Kauno Kolegija, Lithuania

Danguolė Kraskauskienė is a lecturer, business consultant specializing in mid-level team management,  and an ICF-certified coaching specialist. Her primary areas of expertise include leadership, career management, public speaking, and communication. She continually advances her knowledge in psychology and neuropsychology to deliver up-to-date insights. In her work with students, she prioritizes self-awareness, confidence building, and the strengthening of courage, willpower, and personal effectiveness.

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