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International Workshop “Smart and resilient cities – myth or reality” 

The School of Management and Technology at P.PORTO invites the community to participate in the International Workshop.

Date: 23rd May 2024, from 05.00 pm to 06.30 pm, P04 

Against the backdrop of climate change being experienced on an ever-increasing scale and growing social inequalities that pose a serious threat to the sustainability of communities, more and more attention is being paid to the sustainability and resilience of cities. Urban intelligence, or the saturation of urban spaces with technologies that help prevent crises, plays an additional role. 

Becoming “smarter” and more resilient, anticipating and responding to threats to communities, not only can save lives and billions of dollars in rebuilding and economic losses but also encourages social equity and bonding, supporting communities that grow and rebuild in ways that make them stronger than before.  

What does it mean to be smart and resilient in the context of a city? What are the different elements/factors of smartness and resilience? Can any city become this way? How to create such cities? These will be the main topics of the workshop. 

Invited Speaker: Anna Brdulak – Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland 

Lecturer and researcher at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland), Faculty of Management. A graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and postgraduate psychological studies at the University of Warsaw. Market research analyst. Certified business trainer in the field of communication, specialist in the field of sustainable development and smart /resilient cities. She conducted workshops for companies on the superior-subordinate relationship, assertiveness, conflict solving and employee motivation. Twofold laureate of the annual grant from the Wrocław City Hall. Together with Nokia, she analysed the use of NB-IoT technology in various areas of the city, with the Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency she cooperated on the environment of Wrocław startups’ research. An expert in three editions of the UNEP /Grid Climate Leadership program. Deputy Director of Urban Innovation Center. Author and co-author of numerous publications. Co-editor of the book Happy City – How to Plan and Create the Best Livable Area for the People.  

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