Ričardas Varno, lecturer from VILNIUS TECH visited ESTG
On the 18th of April 19, 2024, Ričardas Varno lectured at the International Workshop “Copyright Law”

Staff from the University of Gdansk visited ESTG
Hanna Rutkiewicz, Marta Jankowsa and Katarzyna Malachowska visited ESTG under the Erasmus+ mobility programme.

Porto is the best European destination for Erasmus Students
Elected by the ESN (Erasmus Students Network) and the European Commission, Porto is considered the best destination for Erasmus students in 2024.

Juras Tamelis lecturer at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences gave an International Workshop
On April 17th, we welcomed Juras Tamelis, lecturer at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania, who taught a workshop on “How to start a road transport business”.

Vilnius Tech lecturer Vladimir Avdejenkov visited ESTG
João Paulo Magalhães, responsible for the IT centre and Vice-President of ESTG welcomed Vladimir Avdejenkov in his visit to the IT department.