ESTG invited Zeynep Gizem to lecture at an International Workshop
From the Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University in Turkey, Zeynep presents “A Description of Distributional Effect of Cost-Of-Living Crisis: A Microsimulation Analysis”.
Anna Brdulak lectures an International Workshop at ESTG
From the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland, Anna gives us an insight into “Smart and resilient cities – myth or reality”.
ESN Porto is giving a scholarship for your ERAMUS+ mobility
Until the 4th of May, you can apply for an ERASMUS scholarship through the ESN education project.
International Workshop “A Description Distributional Effect of Cost-Of-Living Crisis: A Microsimulation Analysis”
The School of Management and Technology at P.PORTO invites the community to participate in the International Workshop.
International Workshop “Smart and resilient cities – myth or reality”
The School of Management and Technology at P.PORTO invites the community to participate in the International Workshop.
KU Call for applications – Diversity and Transformation
In September 2024, the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, KU) organizes a transformation summer camp on the topic “Diversity & Transformation”.